"If you change nothing, nothing will change"
- Sport and Exercise Science Bsc, Nottingham Trent University
- Sports Therapy Msc, London Metropolitan University
Favourite Exercise:
Standing Inner Thigh.
From playing competitive sport at a young age, Martha realises the importance of being active for both the mind and body. She participated in various sports, with hockey later becoming her passion, where she competed with her teams at numerous national championship competitions and also in the premier league. Teamwork and dedication are skills she carries through life.
Her knowledge about the influence of a healthy lifestyle was furthered during her studies of Sport and Exercise Science and a masters in Sports Therapy. She learnt about the effects of nutrition on the body’s systems and also the preventive mechanisms of illness and injury that exercise possesses.
Martha’s experiences treating injured patients during her Sports Therapy placement, and from becoming injured herself, means she understands the debilitating effects that injury and illness can have and therefore the importance of good rehabilitation and consistency. From working with many people, often with the same injury, she recognises that every person is unique and requires their own rehabilitation plan. She enjoys working with people to improve their quality of life and assist them to achieve their goals.
Martha believes that exercise improves day to day productivity and state of mind. She attributes her organisational and driven nature to balancing both work and exercise.
In her free time, Martha continues to play hockey and also enjoys running in parks around London and cooking healthy dishes.