
Massage Therapist
  • Bachelors Degree Kinesiology and Sport Science
  • APPI Pilates Mat work
  • Sports Massage
  • Dry needling Medical acupuncture
  • Myofascial dry cupping therapy
  • Thai table massage/assisted stretching
Favourite Exercise:

Bulgarian Lunges because they work on balancing ankle, knee rotation, and pelvis position. The consequences of neglecting this connection can lead to lower back pain.

Domenico grew up surrounded by nature in his village in southern Italy, which inspired a deep appreciation for human movement from an early age.
Seeking a holistic understanding of human anatomy and movement, he chose to study kinesiology and sports science at university.

After settling in London, Domenico furthered his education in holistic therapy, blending Western physical therapy with Eastern practices such as meditation, acupuncture, and cupping. For nearly a decade he worked in centres for alternative medicine, focusing on empowering clients to reclaim agency over their health.

Today, Domenico’s practice revolves around aiding individuals—particularly office workers—whose lifestyles have led to pain and dysfunction. Through personalised sessions that integrate deep tissue techniques, assisted stretching, and elements of movement physiology, yoga, and Pilates, he empowers clients to forge a deeper connection with their bodies and cultivate sustainable habits for lifelong well-being.

Outside work, Domenico enjoys cooking, cycling and hiking.